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American Society of Aesthetic And Hair Restoration Surgeons

Fellowship in
360° Aesthetic Practice

The Ultimate Aesthetics Course Is Here!

Learn Everything There Is To Know In Aesthetics In One Comprehensive Program, Including Effective Marketing Strategies For Your Practice.

Program Schedule: October 25-27, 2024, Orlando, FL

Seats Fill Up Fast. Register Now.

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What will you learn from our fellowship?

Undoubtedly the best Fellowship for someone willing to learn all aspects of aesthetic practice in one go, which combines all our fellowships into one single program

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Advanced Hair Restoration

Learn the A-Z of Non-surgical Hair Restoration from the experts with Hands-on training on the most advanced non-surgical hair restoration devices on market.

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Non-Invasive Body Sculpting

Learn the A-Z of Non-Invasive Body Sculpting from the experts with Hands-on training on the most advanced cutting-edge technology Body Sculpting equipment.

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Non-Invasive Face-Lifts

Learn everything there is to know about non-invasive facelifts, including how to use Injectables and fillers, non-ablative laser resurfacing, and more, with hands-on training from the industry experts.


Advanced Cosmetic Dermatology

Learn everything about Chemical Peels, Micro-dermabrasion, Mesotherapy, Injectables and Fillers, Ablative and Non-Ablative Skin Lasers, Laser Hair Removal, And much more


Market & Protect Your Practice

All of our fellowship programs include a customized marketing module that will give you the marketing skills you need to stand apart from your competitors. 

See and Listen to What doctors say about us

Whether you are beginning a career in aesthetics or are a seasoned aesthetic physician, ASAHRS fellowship curricula are designed to meet your educational goals. See and listen to what our physicians have to say about us.

Why Go For ASAHRS Fellowships


ASAHRS Certification Demonstrates Excellence in Acquired Skills


ASAHRS Certifications are Recognized for Quality Training


Physicians with ASAHRS Certifications Gain More Trust From Patients

The X Factor

Our Physicians Showcase Their ASAHRS Credentials with Pride and Honor

Client Testimonials

Dr. Ilyas Mahjoub

“The training I received from the ASAHRS faculty members was truly world-class. It's completely changed my perspective towards my hair restoration practice and has made me an even better hair restoration surgeon."

Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez

“What I learnt in just 1 week would have otherwise taken me months, if not years, to learn the very same skills from somewhere else. The course was very optimally designed and paced, and covered all aspects of aesthetic practice."

Dr. Steve Carlson

“The training is simply fantastic. The hands-on training on the real-life, life-like simulators is something I really liked because it allowed me to practice all my skills without restrictions and as many times as I needed."

Kickstart your career in aesthetics​

Fill out the no-obligation Interest Registration form to get in touch with our course organizers, who will help you select the appropriate course depending on your present expertise and future objectives.


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Initiate Your Path to a Rewarding Aesthetic Career

Begin your professional journey in aesthetics and discover the exciting possibilities that await in this dynamic and thriving industry.

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